That, is a picture of my front door, and no, no one has come inquiring on a bunny hug.
Now, my second thought on this particular purchase, (the first being lively snickering) was "what the hell is a bunny hug?" Considering, I now had to give free ones I may as well know exactly what I was doing.
Bunny hugs, could be 1 of 3 things.
1. A type of dance, generally performed during the twenties to ragtime music. Now, I could not figure out what that looked like, though one site compared it to the foxtrot.
2. Canadian slang indicating what most Americans call "hoodies."
3. A very close hug that involves a male's testicles tickling a woman's vagina. (according to the urban dictionary)
Now, what exactly would I give you if you asked for a free bunny hug, something you are now entitled to considering that I have a sign saying I give free ones. Well, I would not give you #3 because I am no man-whore giving my body to anyone wanting. #2 is a no as well considering I don't have enough hoodies to give away so easily, so you would probably receive a little jig resembling a 1920's dance move.
Anyway, if you want a free bunny hug you will have to inquire at my apartment.
On a different note I apologize for not posting on Friday. It was one of those days that doing things was the last thing I wanted to do. If you wish to yell at me, please comment. I need some of those. Comments, that is, comments.
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