But I got older. I don't get toys anymore.
Even if I did, I've become such a freakin' cynic that I would think they were just a waste of money. No, that's wrong too. I don't care about money so much. It's just that this holiday is just too much of a materialistic culture flaunting all the crap it has. We don't mean to flaunt. It just happens.
Christmas is the ultimate holiday of the capitalist. Even the American image of old Kris is from old Coca Cola ads.
Santa is way too excited.
Every year, I hear the Christian radio talk about returning this holiday to Jesus. HA! Christmas has been grasped by everyone who sells things and will not let go. It's the holiday that plays on people's want not to be a cheapskate because its for someone else. Well, it doesn't work on me. I'm a cheapskate no matter what. The love of an overweight pervert in a red suit isn't goin' to change nothin'.
I just wish that Christmas would grow the fuck up already and realize that maybe it could become a great holiday for giving...to people who really need it. I'm guilty of not doing it. But, I wasn't expected to either.
By the way, what the hell is this?!
Keep your dirty money-grubbin' Disney hands off my Scrooge!
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