Have you ever had one of those days...
Like one of those days when you want to curl up with a bottle of Boone's Farm and play video games...
Well I am having one of those. Currently, in Soc 101, (yes, Soc 101, I missed one of those small prereqs), we've been talking about social stratification. I don't know about the rest of you but whenever talking about those people who are down and out in the world, I feel like picking up a bottle of booze and trying to ease my nerves.
I feel the weight of humanity. Does that make sense? The weight of humanity...how can I explain it? We've been around for thousands of years now...and each person has spent his or her life in terms of some sort of progress; be it making shit, writing books, organizing groups of people, whatever it may be, someone has spent quite a bit of time in making or doing whatever it is. I feel it strongly in the library. Hundreds of books with thousands of ideas coming from millions of people. It's a storage center for human lives.
I feel it most whenever talking about those in the lower class in the world. There are billions of them, billions of poor, suffering people who can barely make enough cash to feed their families. It's the sheer amount of suffering that goes on everyday, every minute, every second. It's everywhere. It hurts.
The combined pressure of suffering human activity just beats me up completely and utterly.
I often tell people that I want to save the world. That's because I do, and it's because of that suffering that goes on...that intense pressure that wants me to change this damn world.
Yeah, the topic is quite a downer...but then again, it's just been one of those days.
Soggy Doggy Saturday
10 hours ago