Shiny is the key. Does it sparkle? Does it gleam? Yes? We are gonna be rich. I got something glows. It lights the way, kills the dark, it's a number 1 seller. Odd how most of our current market of anything plays upon tricks of light. Even our vernacular contains the sparkly.
If someone is smart, they're bright. That performer needs to have a certain sparkle to survive. How're you? I'm golden. Girl, you are just glowing! You're report is less than on and so forth, etc. etc.
So what about the less-polished among us? What happens to those people and things that emit only a faint glow, the dull and the mediocre. What happens to the below average? Not everyone can be the best. Not everyone is above average, not everyone is average. There have got to be people and things that fall below the medium. Why are they always forgotten? Where do they go? Well, some of them end up at thrift stores.
Ah, thrift stores, the bottom collectors of a consumer nation. I love'em. I love to swim through their weird halls of unhealthy aggregation. I love to look through the racks, sort through the bric'n'brac, and sit on extremely comfortable stanky furniture. It makes me happy to see the oddities and unique anythings that fall through the cracks of corporate America into the halls of the thrift stores. Thrift stores are undoubtedly connected to the forgotten. Together, The two form their own culture. Together, They are unique, and they are ultimately human. These things and people, they may be less-polished, but then not everything that is gold tends to glimmer.
Welcome to Scrooge Attack.
Soggy Doggy Saturday
10 hours ago
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